In El Salvador, the government has toughened traffic laws by updating existing traffic violations, creating new infractions, and increasing the traffic fines related to each traffic infraction, as well as implementing photo fines, which are automatic fines carried out through video surveillance cameras.
Without going into further detail, we will limit ourselves to reporting what the traffic violations in El Salvador are and the fine cost for each of them.
Knowing the traffic violations in El Salvador is very important as they apply to both citizens and residents, as well as to tourists and foreign visitors.
The vast majority of them only involve a fine ranging from $50, $100 to $150 USD, plus a sum of infractions that, if exceeded, leads to other measures. But this happens only if the same infraction is repeated a certain number of times. We will assume that nobody who reads this information will commit the same infraction more than once or twice, therefore we will not delve into this.
But there are certain infractions that are very serious, we already mentioned one of them on the page titled “Warning: A Single Drink Behind the Wheel Can Mean Prison Time” where we inform about zero tolerance for alcohol when driving, which can mean up to two or more years in jail.
Therefore, if you plan to visit El Salvador and rent a car or motorcycle to get around the country, you should be aware of these laws to avoid being caught off guard and, in the worst case (driving after having consumed an alcoholic beverage), being arrested, jailed, and facing a judicial process that could lead to at least two years in prison. So, this information should be taken seriously.
Important note: As of now, the only infraction that implies jail time and serious consequences is drinking and driving. It doesn’t matter if the alcohol level is close to zero, in El Salvador there is zero tolerance for alcohol behind the wheel.
After this introduction, let’s look at the list of traffic violations in El Salvador. The violations will be presented according to their category: minor, serious, and very serious, with fines of $50, $100, and $150 respectively.
Minor Infractions and Their Corresponding Fine ($50 USD Fines)
These are the “Minor” type infractions that carry a $50 fine. In this category, there are a total of 29 infractions.
Turning U-turn where it is not allowed |
Passing another vehicle without indicating the maneuver beforehand |
Not carrying the vehicle registration card |
Driving a vehicle as a driving school instructor without carrying the corresponding license or with an expired one |
Circulating with expired vehicle registration |
Driving with a foreign license beyond the regulatory time |
Driving with an expired license |
Lack of license plate light on vehicles that have this feature from factory |
Using more license plates than allowed |
Not carrying a driver’s license |
Circulating with national license plates outside working hours without proper authorization |
Circulating with vehicles outside the Public Vehicle Registry due to lack of renewal |
Parking more than 30 centimeters from the curb |
Parking opposite to the direction of traffic |
Driving the vehicle with an open exhaust system, bazooka, or any attachment that produces excessive noise exceeding legally permissible limits |
Improper use of air horns, electric horns, and other sound devices in motor vehicles in cases prohibited by the respective regulation |
Completely obstructing passage on public roads with funerals, parades, sports events, among others, or with any object that obstructs the use of the road |
Driving with high beams in the city |
Driving without the red warning sign during the day when the load protrudes from the rear of the bodywork, and at night without a reflective signal (The use of the red sign does not apply to cargo vehicles) |
Circulating without the pennant and/or learning device |
Not carrying a spare tire in motor vehicles, except when the vehicle does not include this feature from the factory, as long as it uses special reinforced tires that allow continued driving after a puncture or damage, or uses a gadget that replaces the need for one |
Circulating with smooth or in bad condition tires |
Partially lacking front or rear lights |
Not carrying the reflective triangles or cones and the preventive safety devices detailed in the regulations |
Using halogens at a height greater than 75 centimeters from the ground |
Carrying announcements in the windows or windshields that affect the visibility and identification of the driver or using posters or overlaid signs of an offensive, vulgar, or rude character |
Throwing from a moving vehicle, throwing, depositing or abandoning trash, waste, or any type of refuse on sidewalks, streets, roads, or other public areas |
Failing to comply with the provisions related to the minimum percentage of sunlight passing through the tinted windows as regulated by this law |
Not turning on directional lights when crossing or changing lanes |
Serious Infractions ($100 Fine for Each Infraction)
These are the traffic violations categorized as “Serious” and carry a $100 fine. In this category, there are a total of 39 infractions.
Driving by making curves or zigzagging. |
Parking in areas exclusively marked for vehicles transporting disabled people with a plate or badge issued by the authority, and places reserved for parking of vehicles driven by pregnant women, or other areas designated exclusively for certain types of vehicles. |
Not yielding to emergency vehicles when they have their sirens and rotating lights on. |
Driving by taking advantage of the right of way given to emergency vehicles when they have their sirens and rotating lights on. |
Not maintaining proper queue when there is vehicle congestion or entering an intersection or crossing if it is likely to stop in a way that prevents or obstructs cross circulation. |
Not reducing speed in restricted zones such as schools, hospitals, sports centers, markets, and 30 km/h zones. |
Overtaking another vehicle at crossings. |
Positioning in the wrong lane at crossings to start the march. |
Increasing speed when another vehicle tries to overtake. |
Crossing, overtaking, or driving over the central double yellow line dividing the road in both directions. |
Not following the directions given by traffic managing authority on the roads. |
Not registering the vehicle’s ownership, transfer, or legitimate possession documents in the Public Vehicle Registry within the term established by law. |
Driving with a license not corresponding to the type of vehicle. |
Driving vehicles with dealer plates when not in the process of sale. |
Driving vehicles with foreign plates without the corresponding permit or after the permitted period. |
Transporting corpses without the corresponding authority’s authorization. |
Parking in double line. |
Parking on curves, roundabouts, crossings, and narrow passages. |
Not respecting the right of way or intercepting the road. |
Not moving a vehicle or object that obstructs free transit after a traffic accident, provided that only material damages and/or minor personal injuries exist or for other reasons deemed appropriate by the competent authority. |
Not giving way to pedestrians in danger. |
Driving with more than one person in the driver’s seat. |
Not respecting caution signs when there are construction works on public roads. |
Not dimming lights when encountering another vehicle in the opposite direction. |
Lacking rearview mirror and left and right side mirrors. |
Lacking brake light. |
Loading or unloading passengers in unauthorized places or corners. |
Turning left where it is not allowed. |
Driver not using seatbelt. |
Allowing passengers in a motor vehicle not to use the seatbelt. |
Driving human or animal traction vehicles with metal wheels on paved roads or driving through urban areas with heavy traffic in agricultural tractors, construction vehicles, and forklifts. |
Stopping on pedestrian safety zones. |
Not yielding to pedestrians crossing at the pedestrian crossing. |
Not giving way to cyclists on the public road. |
Not respecting the area of the public road designated for bicycle circulation. |
Holding onto another vehicle in motion while riding a bicycle or motorcycle. |
Not respecting the safety devices placed in the temporary traffic control zones by the competent authority. |
Altering the technical conditions of vehicles and motorcycles as well as installing bazookas or any type of device that could generate visual or auditory pollution. |
Driving vehicles with excess load capacity or poorly conditioned bulky load. |
Very Serious Infractions ($150 Fine for Each)
These are the traffic infractions categorized as “Very Serious”; there are a total of 62 infractions in this category.
Reversing or performing maneuvers in high-traffic roads. |
Driving in the opposite direction except when overtaking another vehicle in permitted zones and times. |
Driving at speeds higher than regulated. |
Disputing the road with another vehicle. |
Overtaking another vehicle on curves, bridges, narrow sections, or their approaches. |
Not respecting the regulated lane when turning left. |
Abandoning the vehicle due to breakdowns on public roads for more than 24 hours. |
Overtaking at high speed a microbus, bus, or school bus when it is parked picking up or dropping off passengers. |
Driving motor vehicles on sidewalks, auxiliary lanes, road shoulders, bike lanes, prohibited areas, or places/times not allowed by resolution issued by the General Directions of Traffic, Land Transport, or Cargo Transport of the Transport Ministry. |
Riding motorcycles on sidewalks, bike lanes when the engine displacement exceeds 50 cubic centimeters, road shoulders, on the left edge in two-way roads, in prohibited areas, or places/times not allowed by resolution issued by the Traffic General Direction. |
Driving with non-visible license plates, placing covers or protectors over the plate, lights, or any other element that obstructs its visibility. |
Driving with one license plate. |
Not carrying the license plates in the format or location established by the regulations. |
Driving a vehicle with plates belonging to another vehicle. |
Driving without license plates or with plates not corresponding to the current issuance. |
Driving with counterfeit license plates. |
The discrepancy between any of the VIN series, engraved chassis, and engine numbers with those on the circulation card, and/or modifying the vehicle’s technical characteristics without prior authorization, which will be detailed in the respective regulation. |
The physical characteristics of the vehicle not matching those on the circulation card. |
Attempting to bribe competent authorities. |
Driving vehicles, quad bikes, motorcycles, tricycles, and quadricycles on beaches and unauthorized sites. |
Driving in the left lane of the road without overtaking. |
Driving without authorization. |
Driving with a suspended license. |
Driving with a cancelled license. |
Driving with a counterfeit license or impersonating the license owner. |
Refusing to present transit documents to the competent authority. |
Parking in prohibited zones or preferential axes. |
Parking at bus stops. |
Parking in loading zones during restricted hours. |
Parking in areas marked for security, such as accessible or inclusive zones. |
Parking on the sidewalk. |
Parking in front of main entrances to public buildings, theaters, hotels, banks, hospitals, blocking someone else’s garage or obstructing vehicular access. |
Performing repairs on public roads permanently. |
Driving with lights off at night or when weather conditions reduce visibility. |
Driving in the city or on highways with vehicles equipped with non-factory installed bright light devices, LED bars or similar, potentially affecting other drivers’ visibility; using them in public streets if installed by the factory. |
Driving with the engine turned off or in neutral. |
Not respecting the stop sign or right of way. |
Not respecting the red traffic light. |
Overtaking a vehicle when another one is coming in the opposite direction and such maneuver poses a danger. |
Driving vehicles with a malfunctioning brake system. |
Using public roads for car racing without authorization. |
Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, without regard to the level of intoxication or substance consumed. |
Refusing to undergo tests established for detecting possible intoxication by alcohol, drugs, stimulants, narcotics, or similar substances. Without prejudice to other legal consequences established in this law. |
Not respecting or attending to signals from authorized personnel performing on public roads. |
Driving while manipulating or using a cell phone, radio communicator, any type of agenda, device or electronic gadget, as well as holding in hands, fingers, carrying between the arms or legs animals or any other object that hinders handling, limits visibility or may cause distraction to the driver. |
Riding motorcycles without wearing protective glasses when the helmet does not have a wind protector. |
Riding after 6:00 PM and before 6:00 AM the following day without the motorcyclist and/or companion wearing visible reflective vests or jackets. |
The motorcyclist riding without a certified helmet. |
The companion not wearing a certified helmet. |
Riding more than two persons on a motorcycle. |
Driving vehicles with children under five years old, without using a child restraint seat properly installed in the vehicle, and/or transporting children under twelve years old in the front cabin of the vehicle. |
Causing traffic accidents due to mechanical failures. |
The involved party leaving the scene of a traffic accident to evade any responsibility for the accident caused. |
Painting on the road network without prior authorization, as well as damaging, removing, or disabling road signs or traffic devices. |
Installing rotating light devices or sirens in unauthorized vehicles. |
Modifying engines without authorization to increase their speed capacity. |
Facilitating or lending license plates for use by another vehicle. |
Driving on the country’s roads with motor vehicles that use or contain more than 13 milligrams of lead per liter of fuel as an additive. |
Removing the emission control system. |
Exceeding the allowed limit of gas emissions. |
Driving with the emission control system in poor working condition. |
Not carrying the document certifying that the vehicle has undergone the vehicular technical inspection. |
50% Discount
In the event of receiving a fine, in the year 2023 (in the first reform, because another reform was also made in December 2024), it was decided that the person who was fined, if they pay the fine within 5 business days from the moment they were notified of the fine, can receive a 50% discount.
Paying the fine in less than 5 business days is optional, but this “discount” is given as a “reward” for paying it quickly.

Photo fines
To delve a bit more into the topic of photo fines, we share a video from a local news outlet, the news is from a few days after the photo fine system began to be implemented in the country.
The video is in Spanish but you can activate English subtitles. In the news, they indicate that there will be 65 control points in the country, meaning, there will be 65 points where photo fine cameras will be located, most of these points are in the metropolitan area of San Salvador.